Collar Installation (client)

On docker daemon side, deploy the docker collar plugin. The collar-client will enrich requests from the docker daemon with clients hostname. It will also try to translate images or containers ids to human readable names. Such conversion are necessary if your planned rules rely on images/containers names. If that’s not the case, then refer to the Client Installation (json).

Build the plugin yourself

The plugin construction is managed using a makefile.

building the client image
$ make rootfs
$ make create

Installing from registry

We provide prebuilt docker plugin image directly available on the docker hub.

building the client image
$ docker plugin install dockerleash/leash-client

Configure the plugin

The collar need to be configured according to your local environment.


Plugin need to be disabled to be configured.


  • LEASH_URL mandatory
  • LEASH_CA_CERT /certs/ca.pem
  • DOCKER_CA_CERT /certs/ca.pem
  • DOCKER_CERT_FILE /certs/cert.pem
  • DOCKER_KEY_FILE /certs/key.pem
  • DEBUG default false
  • ALLOW_PING default true
  • ALLOW_READONLY default false
  • SENTRY_DSN default None


  • certs /certs/ /etc/docker/plugins/collar.d/
Define leash server url
docker plugin dockerleash/collar:0.1 LEASH_URL=https://your-leash-server

Load the plugin on docker daemon start

The docker daemon need to start the plugin on boot.

Enable the collar
docker plugin enable dockerleash/collar:0.1

Activate the collar

Edit the docker daemon configuration.

        "authorization-plugins": ["dockerleash/collar:0.1"]

Next, read Users authentication.