.. _collar-installation-label: Collar Installation (client) ############################ On `docker daemon` side, deploy the `docker collar plugin`. The `collar-client` will enrich requests from the `docker daemon` with `clients hostname`. It will also try to translate `images` or `containers` `ids` to `human readable names`. Such conversion are necessary if your planned rules rely on `images/containers names`. If that's not the case, then refer to the :doc:`client-installation`. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 4 Build the plugin yourself ========================= The plugin construction is managed using a `makefile`. .. code-block:: console :caption: building the client image $ make rootfs $ make create Installing from registry ======================== We provide prebuilt `docker plugin image` directly available on the `docker hub `_. .. code-block:: console :caption: building the client image $ docker plugin install dockerleash/leash-client Configure the plugin ==================== The `collar` need to be configured according to your local environment. .. Note:: Plugin need to be disabled to be configured. Variables: * LEASH_URL mandatory * LEASH_CA_CERT /certs/ca.pem * LEASH_CONNECT_TIMEOUT 10 * DOCKER_CA_CERT /certs/ca.pem * DOCKER_CERT_FILE /certs/cert.pem * DOCKER_KEY_FILE /certs/key.pem * DOCKER_URL * DOCKER_CONNECT_TIMEOUT 10 * DEBUG default false * ALLOW_PING default true * ALLOW_READONLY default false * SENTRY_DSN default None Mounts: * certs /certs/ /etc/docker/plugins/collar.d/ .. code-block:: console :caption: Define leash server url docker plugin dockerleash/collar:0.1 LEASH_URL=https://your-leash-server Load the plugin on docker daemon start ====================================== The `docker daemon` need to start the plugin on boot. .. code-block:: console :caption: Enable the collar docker plugin enable dockerleash/collar:0.1 Activate the collar =================== Edit the `docker daemon` configuration. .. code-block:: json :caption: /etc/docker/daemon.json { "authorization-plugins": ["dockerleash/collar:0.1"] } Next, read :doc:`users-authentication`.