.. _client-installation-label: Client Installation (json) ########################## On `docker daemon`, you can connect to the `leash-server` using a simple `json`, but this imply that your planned rules don't rely on `clients hostname` nor `images/containers names`. If that's not the case, then refer to the :doc:`collar-installation`. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 4 Deploy the json file ==================== The connection to the `leash-server` rely on a simple json file placed in usually in the `/etc/docker/plugins/` directory. .. code-block:: json :caption: /etc/docker/plugins/leash.json { "Name": "leash", "Addr": "https://docker-leash.kumy.org", "TLSConfig": { "InsecureSkipVerify": false, "CAFile": "/etc/docker/plugins/cacert-root.pem" } } Fill the `Addr` field with your `leash-server` url. Point the `CAFile` field to the path of the CA used to sign `leash-server` webservice. Even if it's not recommended, you can disable SSL certificate verification by setting the `InsecureSkipverify` field to `true`. Activate the plugin =================== Edit the `docker daemon` configuration and add `authorization-plugins` field to enable the plugin. .. code-block:: json :caption: /etc/docker/daemon.json { "authorization-plugins": ["leash"] } Now restart `dockerd`. .. code-block:: console :caption: restart the `docker` daemon $ systemctl restart docker Next, read :doc:`users-authentication`.