.. _bind-mount-label: BindMount ========= Authorize the request only if the bind mount option doesn't run over the defined rules. Checks are recursive. Every paths not explicitly defined are disallowed. A path not terminated by a `/` will be considered as starting blob (`/foo*`). Path starting with `+` represent an allowed path, hence, path starting with `-` will be disallowed. The special key `$USER` will be replaced by the current connected user. You can escape the `$` sign by preceding it by a `\` ("\$USER") to use `$USER` as a litteral. `BindMount` are on evaluated only if the action include binded paths. That's the case for: * :ref:`containers-create-label` Example usage ============= .. code-block:: yaml :caption: policies.yml :emphasize-lines: 12-16 --- - description: Allow everything if bind mounts are validated. hosts: - +.* default: Allow policies: - members: - users rules: any: BindMount: - "-/" - "+/home/$USER/" - "+/0/" - "-/mnt/something-" ...